This design is inspired by a tiny seal the size of a button. Made from clay, it is inscribed with the Aramaic words “deka leyah”, meaning “pure for god”. An extremely rare find dated to the Second Temple period, it was likely used to
mark products which were brought to the Temple and required a seal of purity.
This design was inspired by the golden bell. Dated to the Second Temple period, approximately two-thousand years ago, this unique arcaeological find is made from pure gold and slender, delicately curved sides, measuring about one centimeter wide. Found whole and in perfect condition, its ring echoes from the past. View Collection
Priestly Blessing
A silver tablet that functioned as a piece of jewelry or an amulet upon which verses from Numbers, Chapter 6, were inscribed – the words we know as the “priestly blessing”. This find is of tremendous importance since it is the earliest archaeological evidence we have of verses from the Bible. View Collection
Queen Helene
A gold earring set with pearls and precious stones was discovered in the Ancient Tyropoeon Valley excavation at the Givati Parking Lot by the entrance to the City of David. Because of the value and quality of the earring, it is assumed that it belonged to woman of prominent stature from the city's Roman Period, 2000 years ago. View Collection
David's Harp
The bronze ornament in the shape of an Ancient harp, was popularly known as "King David's Harp." It is 2 centimeters wide, and it happens to be very similar in shape and form to the symbol chosen to represent the City of David (chosen before the artifact was discovered). View Collection
Menorah Medallion
A 1,400 year old gold medallion was found in a treasure trove near the Temple Mount. The Temple Menorah (candelabrum), a shofar (ram’s horn) and a Torah scroll are embossed on the large medallion, which is believed to have been used as a Torah scroll ornament. View Collection
Star of David
3,000 years ago, King David established his home and kingdom on a small hilltop, the City of David- Ancient Jerusalem. According to Jewish tradition, the "Magen David" symbol was etched into the shields of King David's soldiers. Some suggest that the symbol comes from King David's signature. View Collection
Proto-Aeolic Capital
This large and imposing column capital is considered the most beautiful of its type ever found in the Land of Israel. This impressive remnant was discovered on the slopes of the City of David. The capital is dated to the tenth century BCE, and thus it may have embellished the royal palace of the house of David. View Collection
Roman Glass
This piece has great historical value as it is inlaid with ancient glass from the Roman period. The special colorful gloss on the glass is called patina, produced deep underground in a chemical process which occurs over the course of many years. View Collection
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